
Planting Reformed Churches in the Eastern U.S.

It is no secret that many Christian churches have drifted away from the biblical message. This is especially true where we live, in the Eastern U.S. In generations past, you could enter the nearest church and reliably hear God’s word read and preached in faithfulness. Sadly, this is no longer the case. A new wave of churches needs to be planted that will deliver the good news of Jesus Christ to this and future generations.

We belong to Classis Eastern U.S. of the United Reformed Churches. (A “classis” just refers to a group of local churches that partner together.) One aspect of our partnership is the planting of new churches, and we are committed to doing that throughout our region - from Florida to Vermont and from the East Coast to Indiana.

Our denomination, the United Reformed Churches, formed in the mid-1990s in response to liberalizing trends that had infected the Reformed churches. For our own spiritual health, we were convinced of the need to form a new Reformed denomination, not only to get the gospel right but also to get it out. Sinners need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, the long-promised King who forgives repentant sinners and welcomes them into His heavenly kingdom.

This website is maintained by our church planting committee. We pray that it is a blessing to those who are seeking to start a Reformed church, whether or not you are already part of our denomination. And we trust that the updates on our mission works will be an encouragement to you as you learn about the spread of the gospel through our current and past church planting works.

If you're interested in learning more, please contact us. We hope to hear from you!