Frequently Asked Questions

And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’
— Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)

1. “Do you plant churches?”

The churches of Classis Eastern U.S. are committed to planting churches. This website is managed by a committee that helps them do just that.

2. “I am an aspiring church planter. Can we work together?”

We would love to hear from you. Please, contact us, so we can get to know one another. We are looking for men who are seminary-trained and ready to minister the word and sacraments in accord with the ecumenical creeds and Three Forms of Unity.

3. “We have a Bible study and are interested in planting a Reformed church. Should we reach out?”

We would love to hear from you and would hope to send a representative to your group in order that we could get to know each other.

4. “Can you tell me more about the process of planting a church?”

Please, see our church planting manual (PDF). This will acquaint you with the general approach we take to establishing new churches, from the beginning of the process to the end.

5. “I’m unfamiliar with the United Reformed Churches. Could you tell me a little more?”

The United Reformed Churches (URC) began in the mid 1990s in response to the liberalizing trends of our former denomination. But we are the heirs of a theological and ecclesiastical lineage that stretches back to the Protestant Reformation, which was itself a recovery of ancient, biblical Christianity. We have about 125 churches across North America. Here are just a few things that characterize us:

  1. We are confessionally Reformed. Scripture contains sound doctrine, and the Church must faithfully adhere to it, defend it, and propagate it. This teaching has been expressed in various creeds and confessions.

  2. We are rooted in the history of the Church. Christ's Church was not invented in the internet age. Our practices and beliefs extend back to the time of Christ and the Apostles, and even further back to the very garden of Eden. We do not seek to re-invent Christianity or take away some of the seemingly "unsavory" aspects of her doctrine and practices. We are guided by our forefathers and submit to Christ and His Word.

  3. We love the church, because Christ Jesus does, as well. Sadly, our individualistic age has created an environment wherein vital connections between churches and pastors is lacking, so everyone does what is right in their own eyes. We believe that accountability for churches and pastors is wise and important. Our churches work together for the cause of the gospel and the health of our churches.